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Reimagining The Possible: A Conversation with David Arnow and Erin Leib Smokler

Hosted By: UJA-Federation of New York, The New York Jewish Week

As a reflection on these challenging and complex times, The Jewish Week and UJA invite you to a moderated conversation between David Arnow, author of Choosing Hope: The Heritage of Judaism, and Rabbi Erin Leib Smokler, editor of Torah in a Time of Plague: Historical and Contemporary Jewish Responses — winner of a National Jewish Book Award. Together, they will speak about Jewish wisdom and the power of hope and resilience in light of Jewish history, theology, traditional texts, and ritual.

You’ll also discover UJA’s latest work in response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and our Covid recovery efforts.


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9 Things to Know About the Daf Yomi (Daily Page of Talmud)

 How to participate in the longest-running Jewish book club (even if you can’t read Hebrew).

Siddur: Jewish Prayer Book

Is the siddur a holy text or crib notes for a conversation with God?

Bech, A Book

A novel by John Updike.
