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ROOTS – Building Palestinian-Israeli Trust

Hosted By: Jewish Study Center

Zionist settler Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Palestinian Noor Awad will share the ways that their own narratives were fundamentally challenged and ultimately expanded to include the truth of the other as a result of face-to-face contact with the other side. The presentation will address the narratives, identities and pathos of daily life within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and outline the philosophy of Roots, the grassroots movement for understanding, nonviolence and transformation. There will be ample time for Q & A at the end.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Jewish Study Center

The Jewish Study Center offers a wide array of classes and programs of Jewish content and invites anyone, regardless of background, to learn, grow and socialize with our community of learners. Our classes include text study in Bible, Mishna, Talmud, and Midrash, as well as courses in Jewish arts and culture, ethics, history, and philosophy. Courses regularly apply Jewish tradition to issues of social action, politics, interpersonal relationships, and work.
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Zionism, the Palestinians, & Peace

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