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Seeking Forgiveness In The Month of Elul

Hosted By: Shomrei Torah Synagogue (West Hills, CA)

Explore forgiveness in preparation for the High Holy Days in this three session class with rabbinical student and poet Julia Knobloch.

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Julia Knobloch

Julia Knobloch is a poet, educator, and rabbi-in-training at the Ziegler School for Rabbinic Studies. Currently a rabbinic resident at Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, she also teaches classes at the intersection of Jewish liturgy and poetry for Shomrei Torah Synagogue, West Hills. In 2021, she was awarded a Bruce Geller Memorial Prize/AJU Word Grant and facilitates poetry retreats and workshops both in New York and Los Angeles. In the past, Julia has served as a project manager for UJA-Federation of New York as well as the Union for Reform Judaism and was active many years as a documentary filmmaker for National Geographic, Discovery Channel, and European broadcasters. She double-majored in Philosophy and Romance Languages with a Magister Artium degree from Heidelberg University, Germany, and has lived in France, Portugal, and Argentina. The author of two poetry collections (Do Not Return, Broadstone Books, 2019 and Book of Failed Salvation, forthcoming with Ben Yehuda Press), Julia was a 2018 Brooklyn Poets Fellow and is currently working on a series of poems about the desert and forgiveness, inspired by the blessings of the Amidah. Her individual poems have been published online, as well as in print magazines and anthologies.
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Shomrei Torah Synagogue (West Hills, CA)

Shomrei Torah Synagogue is a vibrant and caring Conservative synagogue in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley whose mission is to teach, challenge and support its members in all aspects of Jewish life. We join together as a community to nurture our Judaism and give meaning to our lives and the lives of others across the globe.
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In Forgiveness, Making Space for the Divine

To forgive is to hold on to the future more tightly than the past.

How We Benefit By Forgiving Others

Judaism teaches that there are personal, societal and spiritual benefits to forgiving those who have hurt us.
