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Shofar So Good – All About Shofar

Hosted By: Temple Beth-El of City Island: Your Shul By the Sea

Learn about the deep meanings of the shofar (and how to blow one, too!) through this four-week course.

What does Torah teach about shofar? What does Talmud tell us about how to make one? What do our mystics teach about what shofar “does,” spiritually? What do the different sounds represent? Why is the mitzvah to “hear” the shofar rather than to sound it? And more!

Learn about shofar in all four worlds of action, emotion, thought, and spirit. There will also be opportunities to practice blowing shofar in person (CBI members: local instructor TBD; BHA members: local instructor TBD; TBE members: with Shari Berkowitz before shul on Sept 16).

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Shari Salzhauer Berkowitz

Shari Salzhauer Berkowitz is a lay leader and board member at Temple Beth El of City Island. You might know her from her newest pride and joy, the Color the Omer coloring book, with Steve Silbert. Shari is originally from Brooklyn and plays the ukulele. You got a problem with that?
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Temple Beth-El of City Island: Your Shul By the Sea

Affectionately known as “Your Shul by the Sea,” Temple Beth-El is an all-inclusive, welcoming and independent (trans-denominational) congregation that has served Jews of all ages and their families for over 80 years. We are known for our joyful and haimish (warm) atmosphere, our music and our openly spiritual approach to Jewish life. Temple Beth-El does not affiliate with any of the denominations, but honors the diversity of Jewish belief and practice.  Women and men participate equally — as do couples, singles, and families.  We affirm the full spiritual inheritance, participation and leadership of LGBTQ souls, people of color, and multi-racial and multi-faith families.  Our members and friends hail from across the breadth of Jewish life: Conservative, Reform, Renewal and unaffiliated Jews make their spiritual home with us.
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