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Shop with a Conscience

Hosted By: Inner Judaism

We live in a consumer culture….but what does Judaism have to say about how we conduct business? Join this class to get a brief overview of Judaism’s take on business.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Ruth Schapira

Ruth Schapira leads online and in-person groups using creative and contemplative techniques that connect people with text and allows for a deep understanding. She has led groups for organizations such as LimmudFSU Labs, Hadassah, Gratz College, The Mussar Institute, and synagogues. Ruth has a master’s degree in counseling from NYU and has training as a Mussar facilitator. She currently is completing research for her doctorate in Jewish education.
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Inner Judaism

Inner Judaism provides creative and interactive online educational programs that result in gaining deeper meanings and insights into Jewish wisdom. Being part of an online learning community satisfies your intellectual curiosity while deepening your spiritual experience.
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Discover More

Loving God and Doing Business

The Torah admonishes us to "love God" with our material possessions -- that is, not to keep our religious values and economic lives in separate compartments

Ghosting God

Freeing yourself from 'the busy trap'

Jews in Hollywood, 1930-1950

American Jews and the making of the movie industry.
