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Soft as a Reed: Comfort and Flexibility in Receiving Torah

Hosted By: Valley Beit Midrash

Each year, we stand at Har Sinai to be recipients of Torah. As we near Shavuot this year, what are the ways that we show up to Har Sinai to accept Torah? Perhaps the way that we stand at Sinai affects the way that Torah makes an imprint on us and on our lives. Join to study texts – ancient and contemporary – that help us prepare to let Torah penetrate us.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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 How to participate in the longest-running Jewish book club (even if you can’t read Hebrew).

Siddur: Jewish Prayer Book

Is the siddur a holy text or crib notes for a conversation with God?

Bech, A Book

A novel by John Updike.
