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Dammara Kovnats Hall

Dammara Kovnats Hall was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada) to an Ashkenazi mother and a Jamaican father. After finishing her first degree at the University of Winnipeg, she moved to New York City and completed another degree in Early Childhood Education and Jewish Studies at The City College of New York. Dammara then lived and studied in Israel for two years at the Pardes Institute of Jewish learning studying Talmud Torah where she completed a Masters in Jewish Education through Hebrew College. Currently, Dammara works full-time as a Jewish Studies teacher at Rodeph Sholom School where she strives to create exciting classroom communities that celebrate diversity and inclusion. She is also currently enrolled in the Institute of Culinary Education in a plant based health supportive track. She is also the founder of Jewish Cocktails, a kosher cocktail company that offers mixology classes and services (currently online). In her free time, she enjoys hosting Shabbat meals and riding motorcycles.
