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The Hanukkah Story You Never Heard

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

Many people know that Hanukkah is a minor holiday. The books of the Maccabees, which detail the Jewish victories over the Syrian Greeks that allowed Jews to preserve their autonomy and culture, were never included in the Hebrew Bible. Ironically, we only have them in Greek. But did you know that the rabbis weren’t even sure that Hanukkah was about the Maccabees at all? And if Hanukkah isn’t about the Maccabees, what is it about? Join My Jewish Learning to find out!


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Hanukkah 2017

Light the menorah through Dec. 19, 2017!

Hanukkah 2021

In 2021, the first night of Hanukkah is Sunday, November 28.

Hanukkah 2016

Get ready to light the menorah on Dec. 24.
