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The Lost and Isolated Jews of Southern Italy

Hosted By: Temple Emanu-El, Haverhill MA

Rabbi Aiello will speak about the remarkable story of the Jewish presence in southern Italy, including Sicily and Calabria, and explain how Jewish families who fled the Spanish inquisition and settled in those areas maintained remnants of their rituals and traditions for nearly 500 years. She will also relate her experiences as a “bat anusim,” whose ancestors were forced to abandon Judaism and accept Christian conversion.

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Temple Emanu-El, Haverhill MA

Temple Emanu-El is a dynamic Reform congregation with a traditional, yet creative orientation serving a community of diverse needs and backgrounds. Since 1937, members of the Jewish community of Greater Haverhill, the Merrimack Valley, and southern New Hampshire have joined together to express our Jewish identities through worship, education, social action, and friendship. As a congregation, we foster a deep commitment to a Jewish way of life and to the future of our community.
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The Jews of Italy

Jews have been present on the Italian peninsula from the time of Judah Maccabee.


A history of the marrano diaspora.

Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte

On April 11, 1649, Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte was burned at the stake in Mexico City, a victim of the Inquisition. His crime: practicing the rites and ceremonies of the
