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Tikkun Leil Shavuot With The Rabbinical Assembly

Hosted By: Rabbinical Assembly

Join The Rabbinical Assembly and learn from Conservative/ Masorti Rabbis from all over the country.

Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal, Rabbi Lauren Henderson, and Dr. Keren McGinity
We Are All Ruth: Commitment, Connection, and Community
10:15-10:45pm Rabbi Michael Knopf and Rev. Hollie Woodruff Shavuot/Pentecost: An Interfaith Exploration
10:45-11:15pm Jewish Young Adults with Rebecca Weisman Choosing Torah: The Balance of Self & Community
11:15-11:45pm Rabbi Adam Greenwald & Darrell M. Blocker The Power of Relationships w/ The (Jewish) Spy Whisperer
11:45-pm-12:15am Rabbi Amy Eilberg Reparations: Jewish Wisdom on Repairing Collective Harm
12:15-12:45am Rabbi Reuven Kimelman Why Are the Books of Esther and Ruth So Alike? (pre-recorded)
12:45-1:15am Rabbi Michael Klayman How Far Should We Go For Shalom Bayit/Keeping Peace Among Partners: The Extraordinary Lesson of Rabbi Meir (pre-recorded)

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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