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Who Does Torah Belong To?

Hosted By: Hadar

What does it mean to believe that Torah belongs to you? What happens when those around you don’t believe it does? These issues around authority and authenticity may seem new, but the Rabbis of the Talmud asked themselves the same questions. At Hadar’s Spring Lecture Series, we will consider the journeys of three Sages, and how their stories might help us navigate our own relationships with the shared project of Torah.


May 8: The Many Lives of Rabbi Nehorai
May 15: Rabbi Yehuda haNasi’s Quest
May 22: Torah Inside, Torah Outside: Critiquing the Culture of the Beit Midrash

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Rabbi Tali Adler

Rabbi Tali Adler, a musmekhet of Yeshivat Maharat, received her undergraduate degree from Stern College, where she majored in Political Science and Jewish Studies. A Wexner Graduate Fellow, during her time at Yeshivat Maharat, Tali served as the clergy intern at Kehilat Rayim Ahuvim and Harvard Hillel. Tali has studied in a number of Jewish institutions, including Drisha and Midreshet Harova.
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Hadar is a Jewish learning institute that empowers egalitarian Jewish communities with Torah learning that is deeply rooted in Jewish tradition while offering a response to contemporary questions.
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