Women’s Voices: Introducing an Online Exhibit of Jewish Languages
Hosted By: HUC-JIR Jewish Language Project

Common misconception: Only men wrote in Jewish languages until the 20th century.
The HUC-JIR Jewish Language Project’s groundbreaking online exhibit, “A Millennium of Jewish Women’s Voices,” proves this wrong through women’s literature, prayers, letters, and songs from the 11th to 21st centuries in 15 languages, including Judeo-Arabic, Judeo-Berber (Morocco), Judeo-Italian, Judeo-Malayalam (India), Juhuri (Mountain Jews), Karaim (Karaite Crimean Turkic), and Ladino.
This launch event will feature a discussion among scholars and curators. Participants include: Sarah Bunin Benor, Abby Graham, Federica Francesconi, Hilah Kohen, Laura Leibman, and Renée Levine Melammed.
Cosponsors: Cambridge University Library Genizah Research Unit, Jewish Arts Collective, Jewish Music Institute, Jewish Music Research Centre, JIMENA, Jewish Women’s Archive, Lilith Magazine, Mother Tongue, Oxford School of Rare Jewish Languages, Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Stroum Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Washington, UCBerkeley Magnes Museum, UCLA Milken Center.
The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.