American Jews


John Adams and the Jews

John Adams expressed Zionist sympathies, and his respect for ancient Jewry.

Harry Houdini

The world's most famous magician, whose real name was Erich Weisz, was the son of a rabbi.

The Revolutionary War and the Jews

While some Jews fought, others suffered at the hands of the British.

Soviet Jewry

A history of the Zionist movement in the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Jewry Movement in America

The fight to liberate the USSR's Jews strengthened and united the American Jewish community.

Jews in Comic Books

How American Jews created the comic book industry.

Betty Friedan

An Appreciation.

Bella Abzug

The Jewish congresswoman was a champion of women's rights, human rights, equality, peace, and social justice.

Jewish Feminist Leaders

What drove Jewish women into the feminist movement?
