Balaam Versus Pinchas
Pinchas saw the relationship of an Israelite and a Midianite as a curse--but perhaps he, like Balaam, could have turned it into a blessing.
Distance and Proximity
The story of King Balak and Balaam demonstrates that truly seeing others is what allows fears to dispel.
Instructed To Curse, Inspired To Bless
He came to curse, and ended up reciting a blessing so beautiful it is prominent in our liturgy.
Spirit Strength
Balak intuited an important truth about the Israelites: Their strength was spiritual, not military.
Seeing Their Faces But Not Their Doors
The Israelites' dwellings in the wilderness provide us with a model for ensuring the existence and dignity of housing for all members of society.
Not Seeing Is The Sin
Like Balaam, we should open our eyes to seeing the problematic paths we take in life.
The Place From Which We Pray
Unlike Abraham, Bil'am failed to examine his own prayers and intentions, attributing their failure to his location of prayer.
Which Is Mightier: The Word Or The Sword?
Balaam's death by sword at the hands of the Israelites is ironic retribution for his verbal power over them.
No Rest(s) For The Wicked
Unlike Jewish prophets, Balaam was merely a mouthpiece for the word of God, not an active participant.