daily prayer


Why Purim is the Holiday of Prayer

The holiday of drunken revelry is also the day that proves the Torah's assertion that God answers all prayers.

Ahavah Rabbah: God’s Boundless Love

This blessing, recited prior to the Shema, asserts that God's love for us is expressed by the commandments.

Aleinu: A Call to Divine Service

This prayer calls on us to discover where the brokenness of the world overlaps with our particular human gifts.

How to Say the Amidah

The Amidah is the centerpiece of traditional Jewish prayer.

How to Say Ashrei

This prayer is composed of various passages from the Book of Psalms.

How to Say Mi Kamocha

This prayer, recited immediately before the Amidah, declares that God is like no other.

How to Say Modeh Ani

This prayer traditionally recited immediately upon awakening thanks God for the return of the soul.

The Majesty of Adon Olam

This poem, familiar to many worshippers as the closing hymn of the Shabbat service, conveys a complete framework for our relationship to God.

How to Say Adon Olam

This poem about God's majesty is recited both before and after services.

The Shema: A Model of Moral Development

The prayer's three paragraphs seem unrelated, but they lead us on the steps of a spiritual journey.
