daily prayer


How Can I Pray If I Don’t Believe The Words?

Prayer is not a statement of belief, but a literary creation -- with all the power, nuance and complexity of literary creations.

The Power of Minyan

How praying daily with ten strangers helped me recover after my wife's miscarriage.

The Origin of the Shehechiyanu Blessing

The Shehechiyanu is a blessing that expresses gratitude for new, or special, experiences.

Ata Chonen: A Prayer for Wisdom

If we lack powers of wisdom and discernment, no other request of God really matters.

The Amidah: Standing Still to Receive God’s Blessings

The centerpiece of Jewish prayer, recited quietly three times each day, is the meeting place of our human yearnings with God's life-giving energy.

Shehechiyanu: A Meditation on this Moment

This blessing, traditionally recited for firsts, can be said anytime -- since every moment is new and unprecedented.

Maariv Aravim: Bringing Awareness to Change

This prayer recited as day turns to night helps to acknowledge moments of transition we often miss.

Asher Yatzar: Gratitude for the Rhythm of Life

The blessing traditionally recited after using the restroom reimagined as praise for the inner drumbeat sustaining the body.

Hashkiveinu: Seeking Comfort and Protection Through the Night

This prayer, traditionally recited in the evening, envisions God as a guide and shelter.

Elohai Neshama: Breathing the Soul Alive

The simple words of this traditional morning blessing draw us back to the dawn of our mythic creation.
