The Stubborn and Rebellious Son
How often do we punish individuals before addressing the ills of our social structures?
Separation of Powers
The Torah provides a model for separating religious, judicial, and governing bodies -- to keep power in check.
Lessons for Former Slaves
How can people who have worked to regain their freedom enslave their brothers?
Engage All Texts
At a time when Jewish influence has increased, how do we approach unethical commandments?
Slavery in the Bible
Deuteronomy's legal treatment of slavery is more humane than the parallel laws in Exodus, and more practical than those in Leviticus.
Deuteronomy 6:4–The Shema
While the Shema has been seen as a declaration of absolute monotheism, it has other meanings in its biblical and liturgical contexts.
The Book of Deuteronomy
The biblical book whose law and theology most directly shaped later Judaism.