high holidays
Where to Stream Yom Kippur Services
Where to find an online service for the Day of Atonement.
V’chol Ma’amimim: Speaking Order into Chaos
From the depths of uncertainty, this High Holiday prayer invites us to call out the steadfast faith we wish we felt.
How to Say Avinu Malkeinu
This prayer invoking God as "Our Father, Our King" is recited on the Jewish High Holidays.
Learning To Forgive … Ourselves
The Torah places a high value on self-love. That means practicing self-forgiveness, too.
When a Loved One’s Politics Feels Like a Betrayal
In civil engagement, Judaism offers a way forward.
How To Forgive Is Just as Important as When to Forgive
The Book of Micah offers a roadmap.
The Benefits of Fasting on Yom Kippur
Don't believe in God? Reward and punishment? The obligations of Jewish law? Here's why you might want to fast anyway.
The Art of Teshuvah
The Jewish practice of repentance involves not merely turning away from sin, but turning toward the dark parts of ourselves.
Hineni: A Prayer for the Ability to Pray
This meditation traditionally recited by the cantor on the High Holidays is unique for being worded in the first-person singular.
Text of Avinu Malkeinu
This series of petitions addressed to "Our Father, Our King," is recited on Yom Kippur and other fast days.