Jewish History and Community


What Palestinians Think of Suicide Bombing

While some Palestinian intellectuals condemn it, the tactic remains popular in Palestinian society.

Suicide Bombings in Israel

The Second Intifada brought with it a wave of suicide bombings by Palestinians against Israeli civilians.

Reform Judaism Today

Balancing tradition and innovation in the 21st century

The Gay Orthodox Underground

Recently, organized efforts have been made to confront the conflicts between homosexuality and traditional Jewish life.

Jewish or Democratic? Israel’s Former Top Judge Reflects on Values

Some people say a state that is both Jewish and democratic is an oxymoron, but the values can work together.

The Second Intifada Begins

In September 2000, a new wave of violence erupted.

The Israeli President

The Israeli presidency is largely a ceremonial role.

The Israeli Media

It's vibrant. It's aggressive. It's in the Middle East.

The Structure of Israel’s Goverment

Israel is a parliamentary democracy with executive, legislative and judicial branches.
