Jewish History


Sea of Talmud II

How amoraic study sessions became the Gemaras.

The Sea of Talmud I

The emergence of amoraic schools of study.

The Synagogue and the Study House

These two institutions reflect the dynamism and the tensions in late antique Jewish society.

Creating the Canon

The process and the product of the canonization of the Bible became the basis for a varied tradition of interpretation.

The Rise of Christianity

Nascent Christianity was one of several apocalyptic Jewish sects active during the Second Temple period.

Palestine Under Hasmonean Rule

The marriage of politics and religion contributed to both the expansion and destruction of this short-lived dynasty.

Jews and Arabs: First Contacts

The Jews of Medina rejected the prophecy of Muhammad.

Jewish Life in Palestine at the Beginning of the Christian Era

What daily life was like from the first through fifth centuries.
