Jewish Holidays


The Concealed Face of God

Why isn't God mentioned in the Book of Esther?

Purim Plays and Carnivals

Creative ways that fulfill the religious obligation to have fun.

Purim and Halloween

An ideological face-off.

Alcohol on Purim

Are Jews really obligated to drink to the point of not knowing the difference between Haman and Mordecai?

The History of Purim

There are many theories as to how this holiday developed.

Purim in the Community

Megillah reading, mishloach manot and more

Purim Themes and Theology

At its core, this festive holiday grapples with deep and even troubling themes.

Purim History

How the events chronicled in the Book of Esther inspired a holiday.

Purim At Home

How to celebrate this raucous Jewish holiday

Meat Kreplach

A recipe for traditional meat dumplings.
