Jewish Holidays


Kabbalistic Tu Bishvat Seder: Part 3

In Jewish mystical thought, the Tu Bishvat seder became a time to atone for sexual impropriety by blessing, eating and meditating on the symbolism of fruit.

Every Person is a Tree

The Biblical law protecting fruit trees during war provides an opportunity for Jewish exegetes to reflect on ecology and the wanton destruction of life.

What The Talmud Teaches About Trees

Trees were viewed in both economic and symbolic terms by the rabbis of talmudic times.

The Four Types of Tu Bishvat

The Jewish birthday for the trees has gone through several phases of historical development.

The Lesson in Abundance

The 15th of Shvat is a call to share our wealth.

Kabbalah and Tu Bishvat

The Jewish mystics created the Tu Bishvat seder.

Church & State & the Jews

Religious education is vital for this country--but not on Uncle Sam's tab.

Numbers 29: 35 – 30:1: Maftir

Additional Torah Reading on Simchat Torah. Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah in the Community. Rejoicing with the Torah. Jewish Holidays.
