Jewish Holidays
3 Things to Think About on Sukkot
Sukkot observances offer a balance between the real and the ideal.
Praying for the Welfare of the State of Israel
While following a tradition of praying for the government, this prayer has some significant differences.
The Heavenly Jerusalem
An idealized Jerusalem arose out of the ashes of the Temple's destruction and the city's ruins.
Collective Memory
Communal remembering was constructed on the basis of traditional Jewish archetypes.
The Religious Status of Yom Ha’atzmaut
Within Israel and in the greater Jewish world there are differing views as to whether there is a religious nature to Israel's Independence Day.
The Biblical Jerusalem
Biblical texts present Jerusalem as a concrete city and also begin to develop it as an abstract symbol.
Is Grief a Communal or a Personal Affair?
Tensions exist between national observance and private remembrance on Yom Hazikaron, Israel's Memorial Day.