Jewish Ideas and Beliefs
Hardened Hearts: Removing Free Will
The Bible records several problematic instances of God hardening human hearts, seemingly stripping them of free will.
Divine Providence
According to some thinkers, God only watches over people in a general way; according to others, divine providence extends to the minute details of life.
What Jews Believe About the Soul
The idea that the soul is the human instrument of spirituality became more prominent over the course of Jewish history.
The Transmigrating Soul: A Yiddish Folktale
The Transmigrating Soul. Jewish Reincarnation. Jewish Life After Death. Jewish Afterlife and Eschatology. Jewish View on Next Life. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs
Immortality of the Soul
Though the survival of the soul after death is hinted at in the Hebrew Bible, it became an explicit doctrine only in the early centuries of the Common Era.
Ordaining Gays and Lesbians: Denominational Approaches
Among each of the movements, admitting gay and lesbian students has been a cause of debate, concern...and learning.
The Afterlife in Judaism: Modern Liturgical Reforms
Amending prayers that mention resurrection to accord with modern sensibilities.
Jewish Resurrection Gets New Life
By the second century at the latest, belief in resurrection had entered Jewish liturgy and legal writing.