Jewish Ideas and Beliefs


Abraham Abulafia & Ecstatic Kabbalah

One strand of medieval kabbalah focused on achieving a transformative mystical experience.

Peace: Jewish Traditional Sources

The concept of peace is deeply ingrained in the Jewish legal and ethical system.

Shekhinah: The Divine Feminine

This kabbalistic concept has been embraced by Jewish feminists.

Responding to the Free Will Problem in Judaism

Responses to Jewish Free Will Problem. Jewish Free Will. Jewish Choice and Determinism. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.

Reinterpreting Mysticism and Messianism

Yehuda Liebes has revolutionized our understanding of the Zohar and underscored the relationship between kabbalah and Christianity.

Objecting to Conscientious Objection

According to at least one scholar, Jewish tradition does not recognize the right of personal conscientious objection.

The Gentle Heart in Israel Today

Extending a biblical exemption from military service to Israeli refuseniks.

To What is God Similar?

Rabbinic parables explicitly compare God to a variety of human analogues, reflecting the rabbis' subtle, complex, and diverse images of God.

Jewish Peace Offerings

Deuteronomy's laws of warfare include the requirement that a nation seek a peaceful settlement before engaging in war.

Assertive Nonviolence in Judaism

Establishing a new program of Jewish resistance.
