Jewish Ideas and Beliefs


Jewish Resurrection and Organ Donation

The misguided belief that one needs all body parts intact to be resurrected may contribute to the poor rate of organ donation--even for Jews with otherwise untraditional beliefs.

Prohibited Sexual Relationships

Jewish law forbids a number of sexual relationships beyond incest and adultery.

Adultery in Judaism

In Judaism, adultery is considered one of the most grievous sins.

Why Some Jewish Women Go to the Mikveh Each Month

What is niddah, or taharat ha mishpacha, and who observes it?

Israel as Estranged Wives and Widows

The metaphor of Israel as the wife of God receives several potent and shocking midrashic reinterpretations as the rabbis reflect on Israel's suffering and persecution.

Homosexuality, Choice, and Jewish Law

If homosexuality is not chosen, then there is precedent in Jewish law for condoning it.

The Reality of Sex Outside Marriage

Non-marital sex is not ideal, but that doesn't mean Judaism has nothing to say about it.

Jewish Mysticism’s Origins

Origins of Jewish Mysticism. Kabbalah and Mysticism. Jewish Spirituality and the Divine World. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.

Kabbalah and Hasidism

The Hasidic movement of the 18th century embraced the mystical texts from an earlier era.

Mysticism in Modern Times

Modern Jewish Mysticism. Kabbalah and Mysticism. Jewish Spirituality and the Divine World. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.
