Jewish Ideas and Beliefs


How to Talk to Your Kids About God

Most young children have some concept of God. It is important to respond to their questions with sophistication and honesty.

The Names of God

The God of the Hebrew Bible has many names, one of which is never pronounced.

What We Talk About When We Talk About God

So God is just like you and me, right? Maimonides explains why the Bible's descriptions of God can't be taken literally.

Thinking and Speaking About God

Using language--a human construct--to describe the divine is a precarious matter.

Jewish Answers to Suffering and Evil

If the Torah guarantees rewards to the righteous, why do some righteous people suffer?

Suffering and Evil: Jewish Solutions

If Jews have a special relationship with God, then why is there so much suffering?

Medieval Jewish Responses to Suffering & Evil

The philosophers and mystics of the Middle Ages suggested an array of solutions to the problem of suffering.

Mystical Explanations for the Existence of Evil

According to the kabbalists, evil is a bi-product of the relationship between humans and the sefirot, God's manifested attributes.

The Covenant: A Relationship with Consequences

At Sinai, the Israelites pledged their allegiance to God and accepted the punishments that would result if they betrayed God.

Medieval Philosopher Saadiah on Evil: Suffering is Good For You

If suffering is beneficial, then the existence of evil is not a problem.
