Jewish Ideas and Beliefs
Biblical and Rabbinic Responses to Suffering
Early Jewish writers were more concerned with the randomness of suffering than with its actual existence.
Does God Reward the Good and Punish the Bad?
A concept that accounts for suffering, but also contributes to the problem of its existence.
Living Persons and Organ Donation
Sometimes there is a conflict between the mandate to save lives and the mandate to avoid health risks.
Jewish Views on Organ Donation
Jewish views on organ donation are overridden by a single halakhic (legal) concept: pikuach nefesh—the Jewish obligation to save lives.
Jewish Views on Stem Cell Research
The stem cells most likely to be of scientific value come from discarded embryos. Is it ethical to use these?
Ultra-Orthodoxy and Organ Donation
After learning the results of an experiment involving a decapitated sheep, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach decided to permit organ donations.
Jewish Genes and Anti-Semitism
Some worry that the discovery of "Jewish" genetic diseases will negatively affect the image and treatment of Jews.
Jewish Views on Partial Birth Abortion
Most (but not all) rabbinic authorities consider "partial birth abortion" on the same terms as other abortions.
The Soul of a Fetus
In Judaism, the question of when "ensoulment" takes place is both unanswerable and irrelevant to the issue of abortion.