Jewish Ideas and Beliefs


Sex Outside Marriage: Modern Rabbinic Views

A selection of statements from rabbis of various denominations.

The Purpose and Meaning of Sex in Judaism

Judaism approves of sex and sexual pleasure, valuing it as a means toward procreation and companionship.

The Parameters of Abortion in Judaism

Abortions are sometimes permitted when the pregnant woman is at risk.

Gene Therapy and Genetic Engineering in Judaism

Using genetic technology for therapeutic purposes is acceptable, but many related issues have yet to be addressed.

The Cloning Debate in Judaism

Most Jewish ethicists approve of therapeutic cloning, but question the morality of reproductive cloning.

Halakhic Questions about Organ Transplants

What are the Jewish legal issues with organ transplantation?

Jewish Genetic Issues

Jewish Genetic Issues. Jewish Bioethics. Judaism and Medical Technology. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.
