Jewish Ideas and Beliefs
Traditional Views of Jewish Chosenness
The Bible implies that God's choice of the Jews was random; later traditions made the Jews seem deserving of this privilege.
Medieval Jewish Attitudes Toward Women
In the Middle Ages, a Jewish woman's social well-being was considered important, but her life was strictly guided by Jewish law.
Feminist Perspectives on Jewish Studies
Considering the role of gender in producing knowledge about Judaism.
Reshaping Jewish Memory
In the Torah, women are absent at the covenantal moment; to make up for this, Jewish history must be reconstructed.
God’s Gender: A Traditionalist View
If we reject male God language, we lose a powerful metaphor: the husband-wife relationship between God and the Jews.
Judaism and the Other
The various ways Jewish law distinguishes between Jews and gentiles.
Women in Rabbinic Literature
The rabbis of the Talmud designated specific female roles and activities, and were wary of women's nature, but they also tempered biblical laws that caused hardships for women.
Women in the Bible
In the Bible, women are sometimes portrayed as men's equals and other times as men's subordinates — or property.
Overview: Women in Traditional Jewish Sources
What the Bible, Talmud and other classic texts say about women and their roles.
Engendering Judaism
Because the evolution of Judaism is affected by social conditions, it can be actively developed to be gender sensitive.