jewish life
Orthodox Judaism & Halakhah
Orthodox Views on Halakhah. Views on Halakhah. Halakhah in Jewish Daily Life and Practice. Jewish Life.
Reform Judaism & Halakhah
Seeking guidance from the Jewish legal tradition, without a belief in its binding nature—especially in light of contemporary moral sensitivies.
Jewish History, 1914 to 1948
The Jewish experience between 1914 and 1948 begins and ends with war. In 1914, WWI began, a watershed in both European and Jewish history, as it marked the end of four great empires: the Tsarist, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and German Reich.
Holiness in Time, Not Only in Space
We are often blind to the dimension that lacks physical substance, and that can lead to enslavement to things.
Jewish Ethics: Some Basic Concepts and Ideas
The biblical text and the Rabbinic tradition provide the universal search for an ethical life with passion and some unique concepts.
The Commandments: Biblical Reasons to Obey
There are a number of reasons given to obey God's laws.
Medieval Jewish Philosophers on the Reasons for the Mitzvot
Jewish philosophers since ancient times have explained the system of mitzvot, and individual commandments, in terms that made sense to their contemporaries.
Rabbinic Reasons For the Mitzvot
The Sages proposed additional reasons to obey the mitzvot beyond those offered by the Bible.