Jewish Lifecycle


Yahrzeit: Remembering on the Anniversary of a Death

Lighting candles and saying Kaddish each year in memory of a loved one.

Why Parents Are the Only Loved Ones Traditionally Mourned a Full Year

Rites for mothers and fathers are more demanding than those for other relatives, even siblings, spouses and children.

Sheloshim: The First 30 Days of Mourning

Following shiva, the sheloshim period of less intensive mourning lasts until the 30th day after the funeral.

How to Make a Shiva Call

Because a shiva call requires total sensitivity to the needs of the mourner, the tradition mandates appropriate behaviors for the visitor.

Shiva, the First Seven Days of Mourning

Shiva is observed in the home as an intensive mourning period for close relatives.

Pidyon Haben

The ceremony of the "redemption" of the first-born son.

Israel Tries to Resolve

In Israel some believe that Orthodox control of conversion is impeding efforts to convert immigrants from the Former Soviet Union.

History of Conversion

Judaism's openness to newcomers has varied, depending on how strong and self-confident Jews have felt.

Conversion History: Talmudic Period

Conversion waxes and wanes, based on the historical and national circumstances of the Jews.

Conversion History: Ancient Period

The evolution of Israel as a nation into Judaism as a religion was paralleled by a move from assimilation of strangers to a more formal idea of conversion.
