Jewish Lifecycle
Brit Milah: Ceremonies for Boys
Ceremonies for Jewish Boys. History and Themes of Ceremonies for Jewish Newborns. Jewish Lifecycle. Jewish Ceremonies and Rituals.
The Elements of a Brit Bat Jewish Welcoming Ceremony
Despite the relative newness and great varieties of welcoming ceremonies for girls, a basic structure appears to have emerged.
When She Arrives
How can creativity and a sense of commandedness be combined when confronting new ritual needs?
Why the Minyan? Community and Brit Milah
The customary quorum of 10 represents the community and its obligations to the child.
Brit Milah (Bris): Some Laws and Customs
10 things to know about--and think about--when planning a brit milah ceremony.
Liturgy, Ritual, and Custom for Babies
Overview of Liturgy, Ritual & Customs for baby ceremonies.
Interfaith Baby Namings
Planning a ceremony when your family is multi-faith or multi-cultural.