Jewish Prayer


Eileh Ezkarah for Pittsburgh

A prayer for the eleven Jews massacred on October 27, 2018 at the Tree of Life synagogue.

Unetaneh Tokef: Do We Control our Fate?

The High Holiday prayer that asks us to consider our mortality is an urgent call to examine our lives.

Rosh Hashanah Musaf: A Call to Change Your Life

The Rosh Hashanah Musaf is the core of the service — and where we find its most iconic prayers and resonant themes.

How to Say Aleinu

This prayer is traditionally recited at the close of Jewish prayer services.

The Theater of Prayer

How approaching the siddur like an actor handles a script can deepen the prayer experience.

Does God Need Our Prayers?

In a word, yes -- but not in the way most people think.

Birkot Hashachar: Giving Thanks Each Morning

This series of blessings are a beautiful expression of gratitude for the opportunity of experiencing another day.

How to Say Adon Olam

This poem about God's majesty is recited both before and after services.

The Traveler’s Prayer: What You Say Along the Way

In Judaism, it is the journey, not the destination, that matters.

Mechayeh Hameitim: Reimagining the Resurrection Blessing

One of the most daring prayers in the daily Jewish liturgy has been frequently rewritten to reflect modern sensibilities. Here's another approach.
