Jewish Prayer
How Can I Pray If I Don’t Believe The Words?
Prayer is not a statement of belief, but a literary creation -- with all the power, nuance and complexity of literary creations.
How to Pray Through Infertility
Jewish tradition is no stranger to infertility, but it is only recently that liturgical responses to this struggle have emerged.
Min Ha-meitzar: Calling to God From the Depths
From the constriction of our places of pain, Psalm 118 invites us into the wide expanse of the divine presence.
Adonai Eloheichem Emet: Finding Truth in Our Time
The concluding words of the Shema prayer call us together as a people and as humanity
The Shema: How Listening Leads to Oneness
Judaism's foundational prayer calls on us not merely to listen, but to remember that there is one force of connection uniting us all.