Jewish Praying
Tehines: Women’s Prayers
Not part of the fixed liturgy, women used these prayers to commemorate special holidays and special times in their lives.
Fixed Prayer and Spontaneity
Reconciling the experience of repeatedly praying from an established text with the need for prayer to come from the heart.
Minyan: The Congregational Quorum
Only in a group of 10 or more adult Jews is there sufficient sanctity to recite certain public prayers.
Music and Jewish Prayer
Music in Jewish worship can be high art or popular song, by solo expression or with group participation.
Feminism and Jewish Prayer
A variety of views on changing masculine bias in Jewish liturgy.
Prayer, Music & Liturgy
Overview of Prayer Music and Liturgy. Jewish Prayer Music. Jewish Praying.
Hebrew and Prayer
Praying in Hebrew, even in when the language is unfamiliar, can have an emotional impact.