Jewish Sexuality
The Kabbalistic Secret of Kissing
What the Zohar teaches about love-making and the coming of the messiah.
Why Celibacy Is Not a Jewish Value
This practice is rare in Judaism and goes against the commandment to procreate.
Ordaining Gays and Lesbians: Denominational Approaches
Among each of the movements, admitting gay and lesbian students has been a cause of debate, concern...and learning.
Prohibited Sexual Relationships
Jewish law forbids a number of sexual relationships beyond incest and adultery.
Adultery in Judaism
In Judaism, adultery is considered one of the most grievous sins.
Why Some Jewish Women Go to the Mikveh Each Month
What is niddah, or taharat ha mishpacha, and who observes it?
Homosexuality, Choice, and Jewish Law
If homosexuality is not chosen, then there is precedent in Jewish law for condoning it.
The Reality of Sex Outside Marriage
Non-marital sex is not ideal, but that doesn't mean Judaism has nothing to say about it.