Jewish Shabbat
The Rabbis’ Shabbat Part I: Prohibitions
The rabbis of antiquity used prohibitions to shape a Shabbat experience in which creative activity is set aside to make time for matters of the spirit. First of two parts.
Friday Night at Home
The traditional Shabbat evening rituals are best shared with family and friends.
Featured Articles on Shabbat. The Weekly Holy Day. Jewish Shabbat
Shabbat at Home
Shabbat observed at home is a day immersed in an atmosphere of rest, relaxation, and rejoicing.
Why Do So Few Jews Observe Shabbat?
The problem is not that Shabbat is irrelevant, but that it is too relevant.
Celebrating Shabbat in Many Ways
Contemporary Jews have adapted traditional Shabbat practices in non-traditional and sometimes surprising ways.
Shabbat in the Modern World
In modern times, non-Orthodox Jews have largely abandoned Shabbat observance, despite many innovations intended to encourage it.