Jewish Texts


Some Days Count More Than Others

The days between Passover and Shavuot are a time of great vulnerability and profound opportunity.

Ascending Towards Accessibility

The biblical exclusion of people with disabilities from serving in the priesthood demands that we develop greater sensitivity to those with special needs in our communities.

The Omer Period — Time As Text

Our changing observance of the period between Passover and Shavuot reflects our sensitivity to the realities of our history.

A New World

The reinterpretation of the term "forever" encourages us to strive for new realities within our own lifetimes.

Reaching Out To Those In Need

Numerous translators of the Bible understand differently the command to strengthen those that are falling low, but all agree on its importance.

Responding Swiftly To Need

Charity is rooted in our understanding that those who need our help are indeed our brothers.

Jewish Priests (Kohanim) and Caring for the Dead

Although priests cannot have any contact with death, exceptions are made for their immediate relatives.

Pursuit Of Happiness

As identified Jews, our speech and actions reflect on our families and the larger Jewish people.

Does Holiness Come from Self-Restraint?

We achieve nobility and holiness through practicing self-restraint.

Being Holy

The commandment to be holy permeates every other commandment, fills in gaps between commandments, and infuses every human action.
