Jewish Texts


Service And Community, In The Desert, Among Strangers

In his covenant with Avimelech, Abraham provides us with an example of how to build peace, justice, and kindness where they seem to be absent.

Revering Rebecca

Rebecca provides a model of a powerful biblical woman who asserted her independence and her control over the future of the covenant.

When Choosing Between Man And God, Choose Man!

We can attain godliness by acting with kindness towards others.

Seeing The Ram

The miracle of the ram caught in the bushes was that, in the final moment, Abraham was able to perceive it as an alternative to sacrificing his son.

The Duality And Unpredictability Of Human Nature

The creation of humans and our variability expressed in Bereshit present us with endless choices and challenges for how to live our lives.

The Torah as a Divine Integration

Scholars understand the Torah to be a combination of four prior documents. The sum is far greater than the parts.

Intention & Liturgical Change

Liturgy, Tradition, and Change

Different Perspectives on the Authorship of the Torah

Literary, historical, and theological perspectives on whether the Torah is divine, human, or something in between

Approaches to Bible Commentary

An introduction to the different methods Jews have used to read the Bible throughout history.

Gemara: The Essence of the Talmud

Together with the Mishnah, these texts make up what is known as Rabbinic Judaism.
