jewish thought


Jewish Attitudes Toward Proselytes

At times, Jews have embraced large numbers of converts, but hostile relations with Gentile neighbors often led to suspicion of proselytes as well. 

Historic Jewish Views on Christianity

Theological attitudes toward Christianity have changed over time in response to social and political developments.

Overview: Attitudes Toward Non-Jews

What have Jews thought about non-Jews at various points in history?

Jewish-Christian Theology and Relations After the Holocaust

In the wake of the Holocaust, Jewish theologians have challenged Christian thinkers to rework Christianity's traditional pictures of the Jews.

Jewish Views on Islam

According to most Jewish thinkers, Islam is not idolatry; but authorities have disagreed as to whether it's better to convert or be martyred.

Josephus Flavius

Josephus Flavius both participated in and wrote the history of the Jewish interaction with Rome.

Surrendering to the Romans

The remarkable parallels in the stories of Josephus' and Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai's surrenders to the Romans reveal more about Jewish memory than Jewish history.

Philo Judaeus: Philosophical Pilgrim

Philo worked to reconcile Hellenism and the Hebrew Scriptures.

The Influence of Non-Jewish Thinking on Jewish Thought

Jewish thinkers have both embraced and directly reacted to foreign ideas and philosophies.
