Links for children
Links to websites where one can learn Hebrew
Find a Synagogue
Links to synagogue directories
Being Held to a Higher Standard
In biblical times and today, religious leaders must be paragons of righteousness.
Conversion & Outreach Links
Links to conversion to Judaism
Jewish Film 101
Jews played--and continue to play--a pivotal role in the Hollywood movie studios, while Jews and Judaism have appeared in films in different ways and degrees throughout the history of film.
Jewish Film in America & Europe
From the days of silent pictures to a recent upsurge in Jewish documentaries, Jewish characters and themes have appeared at an increasing rate in American cinema.
Israeli Film
The relationship between Israeli cinema and its establishment has often been an uneasy one. Nonetheless, the history of Israeli cinema mirrors the history of Israel itself.
Praying with Others Is Not the Same as Praying Alone
God may not need us to gather in groups to hear our prayers, but it can be useful to us.