

Judging Preemptive Attacks

Have Israeli and U.S. attacks been ethically justifiable?

Kashrut & Reform Judaism

A look at what, if any, aspects of this practice are relevant for modern Reform Jews.

Kashrut & Physical Purity

A traditionalist perspective Kashrut on gives us a physical sense of purity.

Kashrut 101

Jewish dietary laws are observed in varying degrees among Jewish families and individuals.

Denominations: Are They Good For The Jews?

Two scholars question the contemporary relevance of the still- young American Jewish denominations.

School Vouchers: A Jewish Perspective

An examination of the argument in support of vouchers in the Jewish community

How Song of Songs Became Part of the Hebrew Bible

Rabbi Akiva argued that the Song of Songs "defiled the hands" — which meant it was sacred. In fact, he argued it was the most sacred book of the Bible.

Quiz: Bible Characters

How much do you know about bible characters?

Talk & Gossip 101

Speech is a defining characteristic of human beings, part of our self-definition as individuals and members of groups. Judaism sees speech as both a fundamental theological and ethical category.

Praying with Tears

Comment from the Zohar on Psalm 100 about praying with tears.
