

Parashat Vayechi Quiz

Test your knowledge of this Torah portion.

Eating Holy Food in a Holy Way

What can we do with knowledge of the sources of our food?

Two Sufferings That Are One

Exile and suffering are only too present in contemporary society.

Joseph’s Moment of Truth

Revealing his true identity, the viceroy cannot control his emotions.

Real Men Do Cry

Joseph's tears, public and private

Creating Family Peace

Joseph serves as a model of creating opportunities for repentance and forgiveness.

Don’t Just Stand There — Do Something!

Fear paralyzes us, rendering us incapable of addressing our most pressing problems.

Benevolent Dictatorship or Righteous Balance?

Joseph's actions in dealing with the famine challenge us to strive for a delicate balance of power and compassion.

Meeting The Faces Of Need

By personally handing out rations, Joseph established a human connection and involvement with those for whom he provided.

The Redemption of Judah

Judah's plea to Joseph is a sign of his personal growth and ability to empathize with his father's grief.
