

Going to the Mikveh: The Day Before

With the ritual bath's echoes of sexuality and its demand for self-abnegation, the prospect of immersion can create some trepidation for the prospective convert.

Jewish Thinkers & Thought 101

It is difficult to speak of a single or official Jewish worldview, theology, or philosophy. Instead, we must speak of Jewish theologies and philosophies: the various and varied religious worldviews articulated during Judaism's long history.

Free Will in Judaism 101

Jewish tradition assumes that our actions are significant.

A Reform View of What Acceptance Means

Excerpts from June 2001 Conference

Understanding One’s Motivation to Convert to Judaism

Conversion requires such a big life change that the motivations must be genuine and psychologically well grounded.

A Convert Cannot Reject Jewish Law

This legal opinion from the Masorti (Conservative) movement in Israel takes the lenient opinion that a convert should not explicitly reject any Jewish law.

Shavuot 101

Shavuot commemorates the spring harvest and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

Maimonides’ Thirteen Unanimous Principles

The substance of Maimonides' principles was never in dispute; the ramifications of rejecting them were.

The D’var Torah as Religious Struggle

The struggle to find personal meaning in words of Torah and to share that message with the community is the essence of Jewish spiritual maturation.

Passover (Pesach) 101

What you need to know about the festival of freedom.
