

Shabbat & Nature

The conundrum of Shabbat observance and environmental damage.

Is Bar/Bat Mitzvah a Communal or Personal Rite?

The bar/bat mitzvah service now focuses on the child as individual, but the synagogue community should not suffer.

Non-Jewish Mothers and the Blessings on the Torah

Could an aliyah be a way to honor the sacrifices of a non-Jewish mother who raises a Jewish child?

Holy War: A Jewish Problem, Too

War in the name of God must be examined in our own tradition as well.

Worshipping Peace

When a revered value becomes all-important, it can become like an idol.

Gay, Gray and Jewish

A Jewish-lesbian-grandmother-feminist-activist shares her story.

Bar and Bat Mitzvah 101

An overview of this Jewish rite of passage for 12- and 13-year-olds.

Modest Bat Mitzvah Creates Feminist Consciousness

Differences between a traditional bar and bat mitzvah are all too visible when the honorees are brother and sister.

A Humanistic Bat Mitzvah

Some families choose a nontraditional path toward adult Jewish identity and responsibility.

The Ethics of Family Inclusion

Who we invite to a simcha (celebration) reflects our sense of family identity.
