

Sabbath Manifesto

According to the Book of Isaiah, to observe the Sabbath you should honor it "by not doing your usual ways." (58:13) And what's more usual than checking your email, scrolling through your music collection, and texting the night away? Modern technologies ar

Sabbath Manifesto

Sabbath can be a time for silence. Even the sounds of Sabbath are meant, in their own way, to channel silence. A nigun, the spiritual type of song sung by Hasidim, is fundamentally a wordless, chanted melody. In the place of words, the songs use "nonsense

Sabbath Manifesto

So much of Shabbat is focused on resting, and by association, not working. You’d think that the idea of avoiding commerce on Shabbat is directly connected to this idea, but it’s not that simple. After all, rabbis go to work on Saturday morning.

Sabbath Manifesto

Today people often light candles to create a certain kind of atmosphere. At special occasions and intimate moments, the soft light helps us relax. For Jews, this custom goes back thousands of years.

Sabbath Manifesto

The Sabbath is a day of rest, which lends itself to spending quality time with our nearest and dearest.

Monotonix Concert Video

At a normal Monotonix concert (if "normal" is a word that can apply), singer Ami Shalev jumps into the waiting audience and is caught and held aloft by the crowd. Soon, guitarist Yonatan Gat and drummer Haggai Fershtman will join him--after the audience t

Chutzpah Music Video

Master Tav, M.C. Meshugenah, and Dr. Dreck rap about everything from the state of Israel to someone's "J-status" (whether or not they're Jewish) to defending their "shtetl credibility." Filmed in the style of a documentary, the over-the-top characterizati

Billie Holiday Sings

Billie Holiday sings "Strange Fruit": Rare Live Footage of one of the first anti rascism songs ever.

”Catherine the Great”

Animated clip about Trafficking women in Israel, based on a true story of a girl smuggled and sold to prostitution.
