

The Nature of Existence trailer

A documentary directed by Roger Nygard (TREKKIES), produced by Roger Nygard and Paul Tarantino. www.TheNatureOfExistence.com

Jerusalem on Second Life

Second Life's version of Jerusalem.

What is the Torah?

The Five Books of Moses in the Bible.

Sarah Bernhardt in Daniel

Sarah Bernhardt flirted with the novelist Alexandre Dumas, posed for the painter Alphonse Mucha, had an affair with Victor Hugo, and was, in the late 19th century, the most famous actress in the world.

Elohay – Kobi Oz & Rabi Nissim Messika

Kobi's late grandfather was a paytan he sang piyutim hymns, After his death, the family found he had left hundreds of his piyutim on cassette. In this song Kobi sings a duet with his late grandfather.

Zalman: Kobi Oz

from Kobi Oz' album Psalms for the Perplexed.

Yossele Rosenblatt in The Jazz Singer

A film of Yossele Rosenblatt singing in the film "The Jazz Singer."

Prayer of the Secular – Kobi Oz

From Kobi Oz' new disc Mizmorei Nevuchim - Psalms for the Perplexed.

Kobi Oz

The singer talks about his new project.

Shvitz! My Yiddish Workout

"Shvitz! My Yiddisheh Workout" isn't just a workout video where the instructions happen to be in Yiddish.
