

Jewish Family

Ideas and resources for raising Jewish kids.

Jewish Children

Having them, loving them, raising them.

Arab Labor: Avodah Aravit

The Israeli sitcom Avodah Aravit, or "Arab Labor," by Sayed Kashua.

Sayed Kashua

Sayed Kashua discusses relations between Israelis and Arabs.

The JPS Audio Bible

Listen to the JPS Audio Bible here.

Moshav: Elvis in Jerusalem

Moshav Band plays "Elvis in Jerusalem."

Elvis in Jerusalem movie

Elvis in Jerusalem, a short film.

What Is a Sukkah?

The designers of the Sukkah City competition explain the ancient Jewish hut.

Jewniverse: Jewish Inspiration Daily

The best of the Jewish universe. Sign up today!


Perfect for a last-minute Shabbat potluck.
