

Anna Ticho

This artist became famous for her drawings of the Jerusalem hills.

Lot’s Daughters

How two girls' lives were complicated by their father's actions.

Naomi Shemer

This Israeli songwriter is famous for lyrics of such songs as "Jerusalem of Gold" and "Lu Yehi"

Women’s Tefillah Movement

How Orthodox women found a halakhic way to be involved in services.

Zelophehad’s Daughters

How five daughters argue to get their land inheritance.

Dates Stuffed with Goat Cheese

A biblical treat for summer afternoons.

Haftarah for Masei

A prophecy of destruction that is rife with metaphor.

Parashat Matot Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Parashat Masei Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Maid of Ludomir

This 19th Century Hasidic woman served as an unofficial rabbi.
